Frontline Plus for dogs over 89 pounds provides your dog with the most complete spot-on flea and tick protection available. In addition to killing 98-100% of adult fleas on your dog within 24 hours, Frontline Plus contains a special ingredient that kills flea eggs and larvae and keeps all stages of fleas from developing.
By effectively stopping the development of new fleas, Frontline Plus completely breaks the flea life cycle. In addition, Frontline Plus kills all stages of 4 major ticks including those that may transmit Lyme Disease.
FrontLine Plus:
* Kills up to 100% of fleas within 24 hours.
* Continues killing fleas for at least a month.
* Stays waterproof 30 days, even if your dog swims or is bathed.
* Approved for puppies 8 weeks or older.
* Easy and convenient to apply monthly.
* Veterinarian recommended #1 product for flea and tick control.